Hi all readers! Are you looking for an explanation of “can we cut our hair during menstruation in Islam?”? If your answer is “Yes”, congratulations! Now you are reading the right article. Why? Because that is what I will explain in this article. As Muslims, we must understand that. That's why I wrote this article. So, you have to read it to the end.
Specifically, there are four important points about “can we cut our hair during menstruation in Islam?” which I will explain in this article. The four important things I mean are as follows:
Muslim Women During Menstruation in Islam
The first important thing about “can we cut our hair during menstruation in Islam?” what I will explain now is Muslim women during menstruation in Islam. Specifically, I will explain the condition of Muslim women during menstruation, what they are allowed to do, and what they are not allowed to do. I want you to understand it all well because there are some Muslims who don't understand it well.
The Condition of Muslim Women During Menstruation in Islam
Now I will explain the condition of Muslim women during menstruation. Of course, I'm not going to explain it medically. That's not my capacity. I will explain it from an Islamic perspective. In other words, I will explain the condition of Muslim women during menstruation in Islam or according to an Islamic perspective".
In general, if we read some Islamic literature about menstruation, then we will understand that menstruation is a very different condition for Muslim women. That is, if under normal conditions Muslim women are allowed or even required to perform worship in Islam, then, if Muslim women are menstruating, then there are some acts of worship that they are not allowed to do and there are some acts of worship that they can do. I'll explain that in general in a moment.
In other words, Muslim women during menstruation will lose the opportunity to get some rewards in Islam, such as the reward of prayer, the reward of fasting, the reward of tawaf, and so on. But we cannot understand that as a discrimination. In fact, in some conditions, Muslim women will get a lot of rewards compared to the rewards that Muslim men get. In fact, there is a special condition for Muslim women to get a very large reward and can remove sins. Muslim men are unlikely to experience that. The condition I mean is when Muslim women give birth to babies.
Do and Don'ts During Menstruation in Islam
Previously, I have explained that there are some things that Muslim women can and cannot do during menstruation in Islam. In general, if we read some Islamic legal literature on it, then we will find an explanation that the things that are permissible for women to do is to read Dhikr and recite the Quran without holding it. The total is two.
As for the things that are forbidden for Muslim women during menstruation or are wudu or ablution, Janabah bath, salat or praying, touching the Quran, tawaf, sex, I'tikaf, fasting (shaum), and divorce. The total is nine.
Maybe you are wondering, why is wudu and Janabah bath not permissible for Muslim women during menstruation?
To be honest, ablution and janabah are permissible for Muslim women during menstruation. There is no prohibition for them to do that. But it is in vain. They will not be holy with ablution and bathing in Janabah as long as they are menstruating. Therefore, some experts in Islamic law say that ablution and bathing in Janabah are not permissible for Muslim women because they are still menstruating.
That's a brief explanation of Muslim women during menstruation in Islam and some important things about it. As Muslims, we must understand that.
Can We Comb Hair During Menstruation in Islam?
The second important point about “can we cut our hair during menstruation in Islam?” what I will explain now is “can we comb our hair during menstruation in Islam?”. I want you to understand that because it is one of the important things about menstruation in Islam that must be well understood by Muslims, especially Muslim women. The second reason why it is important is that sometimes the hair will fall out when it is combed.
Before I explain the answer to the question "can we comb our hair during menstruation in Islam?", firstly, I will quote a hadith that is specifically related to this question. The hadith I mean is as follows:
قَالَ رَسُوْلُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ( لِعَائِشَةَ وَهِيَ حَائِضٌ ) : دَعِيْ عُمْرَتَكَ وَانْقِضِيْ رَأْسَكَ وَامْتَشِطِيْ
Allah's Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said (to Aisha who was menstruating), "Leave your Umrah, untie your hair, and comb it."
All readers! If we understand the hadith above, then we can conclude that a Muslim woman who is menstruating may comb her hair. In the above hadith it is explained that the Prophet Muhammad ordered Aisha who was menstruating to comb her hair.
That is a brief explanation of "can we comb our hair during menstruation in Islam?". As Muslims, we must understand that.
Can We Cut Hair During Menstruation in Islam?
The third important point about “can we cut our hair during menstruation in Islam?” what I'm going to explain now is a specific answer about that. I want you to understand that well so that you understand whether Muslim women who are menstruating can do that or not.
In the previous discussion, I explained that sometimes combing hair can cause hair to fall out and that the Prophet Muhammad once ordered Aisha who was menstruating to comb her hair. Hair that falls out is hair that is detached from the head due to several things, such as being pulled out, combed, and so on. It can happen intentionally or unintentionally. Likewise, cutting hair. Cutting hair is removing some or all of the hair from the head. In general, it is done on purpose.
So, if you ask me, "can we cut hair during menstruation in Islam?", then the answer is that we can cut hair during menstruation. Muslim women who are menstruating can cut their hair because it is permissible. The proof is the hadith about combing hair during menstruation as I explained earlier.
That is a brief explanation of "can we cut our hair during menstruation in Islam?". As Muslims, we must understand that.
Myth About Cutting Hair During Menstruation in Islam
The fourth important point about “can we cut our hair during menstruation in Islam?” what I will explain now is the myth about cutting hair during menstruation in Islam. I want you to know that because there are some of those myths which are considered as truth by some Muslims.
The most common myth about menstruation is that Muslim women should not cut their hair during menstruation. The reason is that there is a large hadas in all bodies, including hair. What is feared is that the hair that has been cut will be lost and has not been purified by bathing in Janabah.
Of course, that is not true because Muslim women can cut their hair during menstruation as I have explained.
That is a brief explanation of the myth about cutting hair during menstruation in Islam. As Muslims, we must understand that.
That's a brief explanation of "can we cut our hair during menstruation in Islam?" and some important things about it. Do you understand? If you want to ask, please ask.
I think that's enough for this article. Hope it is useful. Amen.
See you again in the next article.
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