
The Meaning of Qabliyah and Ba'diyah in Prayer

Meaning of Qabliyah and Ba'diyah

The Meaning of Qabliyah and Ba'diyah in Prayer ~ Hi readers! In several previous articles, I have explained several things about prayer in Islam. One of them is about Qabliyah prayer and Ba'diyah prayer. There is one interesting thing when I looked at some keywords in "Google Search Console", that there were some people who did not understand the meaning of Qabliyah and Ba'diyah. This is evidenced by the many searches about the meaning of the word. That's why I wrote this article.

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Before I explain more about the meaning of Qabliyah and Ba'diyah, I want to explain that the words "Qabliyah" and "Ba'diyah" are two terms related to the recommended prayer (sunnah prayer) in Islam. The meaning is that a Muslim is not obliged to perform the prayer. But if he does that, then it's better for him.

Meaning of Qabliyah in Prayer

Actually, the word Qabliyah is Arabic. The writing is: Ù‚َبْÙ„ِÙŠَّØ©ٌ. The word is a transitional form of the word Ù‚َبْÙ„َ. The meaning is "Before". Specifically, the word describes an act that is done before a certain time, before a certain event, or before a job is done.

The word Qabliyah (Ù‚َبْÙ„ِÙŠَّØ©ٌ) is an adjective. The word characterizes an event or work that is done before another incident is carried out or before other work is carried out.

Thus, if the word Qabliyah (Ù‚َبْÙ„ِÙŠَّØ©ٌ) is associated with the word prayer, it means that the prayer is performed before another prayer is performed. In Islam, Qabliyah prayer is a type of sunnah prayer or one that is recommended to be performed before the obligatory prayer.

Meaning of Ba'diyah in Prayer

The word Ba'diyah is also a word that comes from Arabic. The writing is بَعْدِÙŠَّØ©ٌ. The word is a changing form of the word بَعْدَ. The meaning is "After". Specifically, the word describes an action that is done after a certain time, after a certain event, or after a job has been done.

The word Ba'diyah (بَعْدِÙŠَّØ©ٌ) is an adjective. The word characterizes an event or work that is carried out after another incident has occurred or after other work has been carried out.

Thus, if the word Ba'diyah (بَعْدِÙŠَّØ©ٌ) is connected with the word prayer, it means that the prayer is performed after another prayer is performed. In Islam, Ba'diyah prayer is a type of sunnah prayer or one that is recommended to be performed after the obligatory prayer.

So, the word Qabliyah (Ù‚َبْÙ„ِÙŠَّØ©ٌ) is an antonym for the word Ba'diyah (بَعْدِÙŠَّØ©ٌ). The general understanding of the two words is just that.

Readers all! That is a brief explanation of the meaning of Qabliyah and Ba'diyah in prayer. Do you guys understand? If you have any questions, please ask!

I think that's all for this article. May be useful! Amen!

See you again in the next article!


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