
Can You Do Wudu with Lipstick On? Read This!

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Hi all readers! Are you looking for an explanation of “can you do wudu with lipstick on?”? If your answer is “Yes”, congratulations! Now you are reading the right article. Why? Because that is what I will explain in this article. As Muslims, we must understand that. That's why I wrote this article. So, you should read it to the end!

In several previous articles I have explained some important things about wudu, such as Niyyah for wudu, how the Prophet Muhammad performed wudu, things that break wudu, and so on. I hope you all read them because they are important explanations of wudu that all Muslims, whether Muslim man or Muslim woman, must understand.

Now, in this article, I will explain one important thing about wudu that must be understood by Muslims, especially Muslim woman. One important thing I mean is “can you do wudu with lipstick on?”.

I consider this discussion very important because in some cases, at some point there will be a moment when Muslim woman get makeup for a purpose, such as when they get married. The result is that if they remove the lipstick on their lips, then they will need a lot more time to apply makeup. But, on the one hand, they have to perform wudu to perform one of their obligations as Muslim woman.

Specifically, there are five important points about “can you do wudu with lipstick on?” which I will explain in this article. The five important things I mean are as follows:

The Meaning of Wudu with Lipstick On

First important thing about “can you do wudu with lipstick on?” what I will explain now is the meaning of wudu with lipstick on. I want you to understand that because it is one of the important things in this discussion that must be well understood. The goal is that you don't misunderstand the sentence and what is explained in this article.

You should know that what is meant by wudu with lipstick on in this article is that you perform wudu when there is lipstick on your lips. So, what is meant by wudu with lipstick on in this article is not using lipstick for wudu. Why? The answer is because the only thing that can be used for wudu is water that is pure and can be used to purify something or someone.

In general, it's all about woman. That's why, in the previous few paragraphs, I have explained that our discussion now relates to woman.

That is a brief explanation of the meaning of wudu with lipstick on. As Muslims, we must understand that.

Effect of Lipstick on Wudu

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The second important thing about “can you do wudu with lipstick on?” what I will explain here is the effect of lipstick on wudu. I want you to understand that because there are certain types of lipstick that must be removed before a Muslim woman performs wudu and there are certain types of lipstick that may not be removed before a Muslim woman performs wudu.

In general, there are two types of lipsticks:

  • Lipstick that blocks water from reaching the skin of the lips.

Lipstick that blocks water from reaching the skin of the lips must be removed before Muslim woman perform wudu. The reason is because the lipstick blocks water from reaching the skin.

  • A lipstick that has no thickness and doesn't form a layer.

Lipstick that is not thick and does not form a layer may not be removed before Muslim woman perform wudu. The reason is because the lipstick does not block water from reaching the skin.

Maybe now you're wondering, "Why do Muslim women have to remove lipstick which prevents water from reaching the skin of the lips?" The answer is because Muslim woman have to make sure that the water she uses for wudu reaches the skin of her lips.

Obligations in Wudu

The third important point about “can you do wudu with lipstick on?” what I am going to explain now are the obligations in wudu. I want you to understand that because it is one of the important things in this discussion that must be well understood.

I will quote a hadith that describes the wudu of the Prophet Muhammad. In the hadith there is an explanation of what are the obligations in wudu. Look at the hadith below!

عَنْ حَمْرَانَ : أَنَّ عُثْمَانَ دَعَا بِوُضُوْءٍ فَغَسَلَ كَفَّيْهِ ثَلَاثَ مَرَّاتٍ ثُمَّ تَمَضْمَضَ وَاسْتَنْشَقَ وَاسْتَنْثَرَ ثُمَّ غَسَلَ وَجْهَهُ ثَلَاثَ مَرَّاتٍ ثُمَّ غَسَلَ يَدَهُ الْيُمْنَى إِلَى الْمِرْفَقِ ثَلَاثَ مَرَّاتٍ ثُمَّ الْيُسْرَى مِثْلَ ذَلِكَ ، ثُمَّ مَسَحَ بِرَأْسِهِ ، ثُمَّ غَسَلَ رِجْلَهُ الْيُمْنَى إِلَى الْكَعْبَيْنِ ثَلَاثَ مَرَّاتٍ ، ثُمَّ الْيُسْرَى مِثْلَ ذَلِكَ ، ثُمَّ قَالَ : رَأَيْتُ رَسُوْلَ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ تَوَضَّأَ نَحْوَ وُضُوْئِيْ هَذَا . مُتَّفَقٌ عَلَيْهِ

From Hamran, that Uthman performed wudu. He washed his palms three times. Then he rinsed his mouth, put a little water in his nose and let the water out of his nose. Then he washed his face three times. Then he washed his right hand up to the elbow three times. Then his left hand is like that (like his right hand). Then he rubbed his head. Then he washed his right foot up to the ankle three times. Then his left leg like that. then he said, "I have seen the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam performing wudu like this wudu." The hadith was narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim.

All readers! If we read the hadith above, then we will understand that in general, the obligations in wudu are to apply wudu water on several bodies that must be rubbed and pour wudu water on several bodies that must be washed. It all will not be done if there is something blocking the water to the skin.

That is a brief explanation of the obligations in wudu. As Muslims, we must understand that.

Can You Do Wudu with Lipstick On?

The fourth important thing about “can you do wudu with lipstick on?” what I'm going to explain now is a specific answer. I want you to understand that because that is the main topic of this article. So, you must read the discussion below carefully.

If we understand some of the previous explanations, we can conclude two things as follows:

  1. If the lipstick is blocking the water from reaching the skin of the lips, then you cannot do wudu with lipstick on.
  2. If the lipstick does not block the water from reaching the skin of the lips, then you can do wudu with lipstick on.

That's a brief explanation of "can you do wudu with lipstick on?". As Muslims, we must understand that.

Steps of Wudu with Lipstick On

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The fifth important thing about “can you do wudu with lipstick on?” what I will explain now is the steps of wudu with lipstick on. Actually, this discussion is the same as the discussion of the steps for performing wudu as usual. What I mean is to wash some of the bodies that have to be washed, and wipe some of the bodies that have to be wiped.

The bodies that must be washed in wudu are the face, the hands up to the elbows, and the soles of the feet up to the ankles. While some of the body that must be rubbed is part of the hair on the head and two ears.

The gargling in wudu is one of the recommendations in wudu.

That's a brief explanation of the steps of wudu with lipstick on. As Muslims, we must understand that.

All readers! That's the short explanation of “can you do wudu with lipstick on?” and some important things about it. Do you understand? If you want to ask, please ask!

I think that's enough for this article. Hope it is useful. Amen.

See you again in the next article!

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